Yvette Timmins Founder & Director of Bloom College

Yvette's mission

We have all seen the pictures of children in poverty, war and just existing without a future. I don’t know about you, but it breaks my heart when I know that the solution can be as simple as donating my time, energy and passion to provide the resources to improve the lives of families. I have a daughter and I feel very blessed that I am able to provide the safety and comfort of our home, a good education and food in our bellies whenever we choose.

Why ‘The Hunger Project’? Why Uganda?

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I believe in giving back and when I was looking at where I focus my time and efforts, I came across the Hunger Project. What attracted me was their focus on building the self esteem and skills of the families (mainly through the women) that ultimately benefits the children. What also attracted me was that this is achieved by supporting the families in establishing a business and a safe and healthy living environment. They focus on long term sustainable infrastructure and solutions.

When growing up, I always wanted to own and run my own business, and I am so grateful today that I have that opportunity. Don’t get me wrong, it’s really tough going at times and I can only imagine how tough it would be to establish a business in a place like Uganda, a business that provides for their family and gives the children an environment that they can be physically and emotionally supported, with a safe place to return to each day.

What I do know is that we can all contribute to their wellbeing by educating and feeding families which flows through to the children.

Children are our future so I invite you to help in ending their suffering for good.

What is The Hunger Project?

An Introduction to The Hunger Project

Epicentre Strategy