Blossoming blossoms

‘Blossoming’ is a term we often reserve for flowering fruit trees. Ornamental varieties of Prunus trees are now ‘doing their thing’: flowering profusely. In so doing, they promise us spring is coming.
Almond, Peach, Plum, Cherry and Japonica trees charm us with their beauty when they flower. Here in Victoria the hardy cherry plums are so ubiquitous they’re even used as roadside plantings.
Florists and wholesalers are now selling cut branches of these ornamental fruit trees for both professional and amateur florists to use. The trees’ blossoming period isn’t long so there’s a small window of opportunity to buy or harvest your own branches to create some striking displays.
Whether your preference is for single or double flowers; petals in white, pink, orange or shades of red, there’s a blossom somewhere near you right now! If you’re thinking of bringing some blossom inside to gladden your dreary wintery days, choose branches with many coloured buds and avoid branches that drop petals or leaves when you shake them.
Your cut blossom branches may not last a week, so don’t use them as the stars of arrangements you want to keep for this long.
Don’t let this put you off, though. We could well argue blossoms look best in their own stunning company.