Flower Therapy
Nature provides Hope
So much has transpired over the past months as the bush fires raged through the country. My mum’s town was evacuated and all surrounding towns were burnt out, we are grateful to the universe for keeping her safe and for the brave, selfless and tireless work of the fire-fighters. The power of human spirit collectivelyRead more
5 Ways That Flowers Can Improve Your Mental Wellbeing
Do flowers really make us happy? Studies conducted by Dr Jeanette Haviland at Rutgers University would suggest so. While it certainly is great to have the scientific evidence to back it, artists, poets, florists and gardeners have known this anecdotally for centuries. There are many creative, hands-on methods that are effective in helping those strivingRead more
Flowers and well being
Smelling floral scents puts us in a good mood and makes us feel less anxious. I love sweet pea for this reason! When choosing the colour scheme for your flowers, colours that are close to each on the colour wheel promote calmness. Colours on opposing sides of the colour wheel energise us! What flowers doRead more
Houseplants look good and help us feel good
Check out this fabulous blog post from Annette Coppess on the Breck’s blog about the power of plants in your home. The 1970s was a time for fads: pet rocks, leisure suits, mood rings, CB radios—the list goes on and on. Houseplants also became an obsession during the decade, tenaciously grabbing a foothold in U.S. homes and officesRead more
And breathe…
I love having flowers and plants around me not only because they are beautiful but because they remind me to be present and take a moment to breathe. The year is racing by and self care activities like meditation can help to slow things down and help you regroup.
Flowers help to alleviate anxiety
The following exercises are some of my favorites for alleviating anxious feelings; Step 1: Close your eyes 👀 Step 2: place one hand ✋on your heart ❤️ Step 3: place your other hand on your forehead slightly to the right side Step 4: focus taking your breath from your heart ❤️ to your head StepRead more
5 Creative Hobbies to help alleviate stress
Yvette was recently asked by Wellness Daily to offer her top 5 favourite stress relieving creative hobbies. Follow the link to read on;
The unseen Power of Roses
Roses Roses are one of if not the most popular of all flowers. Their immense beauty and intoxicating scent are some of their greatest qualities but what we know now is that they have deeper powers we can not see but only feel. Roses are the most powerful of all blooms. Scientists have been ableRead more
Floral Acts of Kindness
Recently Yvette along with Bloom Graduates ran a charity flower arranging event by Floral acts of kindness. Bloom College graduate Isabelle De Solier came up with the idea for Floral Acts of Kindness last year when her synagogue (TBI) was holding its annual “Mitzvah (Good Deed) Day”, Isabelle said “I wanted to run a volunteerRead more