

Jun 11

Career Change Course: Commonly Asked QuestionsYvette

One of the most commonly asked questions about our Career Change Course is, how do I start working once I’ve finished?⠀ ⠀ This is of course, dependent on what kind of florist you would like to be, but as part of this course, we will help you find an internship to suit your needs. WhetherRead more

Jun 08

BLOOM OF THE MONTH: SnowdropsYvette

Snowdrop or Galanthus, means ‘milk flower.’ Snowdrops, not to be confused with the similar bloom, Snowflakes, are a perfect flowering bulb for cooler climates. Snowdrops are a shorter stemmed blooms with 3 outer petals that are pure white and 3 smaller inner petals are white with green tips. Double-flowered forms are also available. Don’t let their dainty appearanceRead more

May 31

Houseplants look good and help us feel goodYvette

Check out this fabulous blog post from Annette Coppess on the Breck’s blog about the power of plants in your home. The 1970s was a time for fads: pet rocks, leisure suits, mood rings, CB radios—the list goes on and on. Houseplants also became an obsession during the decade, tenaciously grabbing a foothold in U.S. homes and officesRead more

May 30

Flower Basics CourseYvette

Thank you so much to Sophie for attending our Flower Basics course and leaving some lovely feedback about our teachers: ⠀ “10/10 super warm, friendly and welcoming. Willing to answer any queries but allowing us to let our creativity flow”⠀ Thank you Sophie! We love our students so much. Our next Flower Basics has soldRead more

May 29

Rustic ArrangementYvette

I love how rustic and relaxed this design is. Ironically, designs like this can take a lot of consideration & time to get this “wild flower” look.⠀ ⠀ The vessel also adds to the overall aesthetic. ⠀ ⠀ Learn about the elements & principles of design, and how these are applied to floral design, asRead more

May 28

Sea HollyYvette

Eryngium, most commonly known as Sea Holly, is a stunning combination of delicate and rough. It comes in beautiful hues of blue, violet, green and white. It’s robust, easy to grow, drought resistant & a floristry favourite!⠀ Their flowers are aromatic which attract birds, bees and insects.⠀ Sea Holly is a symbol of independence, severityRead more

May 26

The Hat BoxYvette

This hat box created by @travaflowers looks good enough to eat!⠀ ⠀ Hat boxes are a perfect floristry product as they are easy to transport and deliver to places like offices, where the flowers may not be put in water for a few hours.⠀ ⠀ We create a hat box arrangement as part of ourRead more

May 23

Top 3 MUST HAVES For Running A Successful Floristry BusinessYvette

Running a floristry business and having trouble with a business plan? The Bloom In Business 3 Week MINI Course is approaching fast and it is an awesome way to get started on the path to business success!⠀ ⠀ Sometimes when you are a creative person, it can be hard to integrate your creativity with businessRead more

May 22

Wedding Flowers Intensive CourseYvette

Wedding Intensive student Jackie uses the mirror to check her bridal bouquet! It’s a classic floristry tip when arranging!⠀ ⠀ Learn this and more at our Wedding Flowers Intensive workshop on September 5, 6 & 7. Book in now to take advantage of our payment plans and reserve your spot.⠀ ⠀ Everything is provided fromRead more

May 10

Mother’s Day 2019Yvette

Along with Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day is a very important day on the florist’s calendar. Celebrated on the second Sunday in May (May 12th this year), the modern incantation of Mother’s Day as we know it, began in the early 20th Century, when American, Anna Jarvis, held a memorial to honour her late mother in 1908.Read more

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