Beautiful Bearded Iris
Common name Bearded iris, German iris Botanical name Iris germanica How to tell it’s good quality Look for the upper bud to have good colour Avoid stock with dried, drying or yellowing leaves Stem length 40cm–100cm Conditioning, care and storage needs Strip leaves from the lower half of the stemRead more
Spring is here! Look at what’s in season…
As it’s the first day of Spring we thought we would give you a list of our favourite flowers in season. And in no particular order here is the long list of beauties; Anemones – fabulous colours, best used in vases & posies Geraldton wax – flowering is available and the bud variety all alwaysRead more
Daffodils – to brighten your day
Common name Daffodil, Jonquil Botanical name Narcissus hybrids (daffodils inc large King Alfreds; Narcissus jonquilla (jonquils); Narcissus erlicheer (double daffodil); Narcissus tazzetta (paperwhite) How to tell it’s good quality Daffodils should be brightly coloured with the buds not quite open Jonquils are best if only a few buds in the head are openRead more
Common name Tulip Botanical name Tulipa hybrida How to tell it’s good quality.. Choose well coloured buds and flowers that are partly open Look for strong stems and glossy leaves with no signs of damage or yellowing Avoid drooping or wilting leaves or flowers Products or arrangements it’s suitable for, stem length.. Stem lengthRead more
Element of Design – Space
Space is divided into three parts. The first part of the space element that florists need to consider is the positive space or area for which the design is to be made. Designers need to take note of the available space and create arrangements that fit accordingly. A small arrangement, for example, has little impactRead more
Terrariums – how to care for them..
Terrariums What’s old is new. Terrariums in all different styles and sizes have made a big comeback in the last few years. A terrarium is the ultimate, low-maintenance indoor garden; it’s perfect for apartments, office spaces and gifts. Think about the room where you will display your terrarium and how much light it gets. RememberRead more
How to wrap flowers – Cone wrapped flowers
There are so many ways to wrap flowers and each time I meet a new florist I learn there is yet another way. Everyone seems to have their own sometimes quirky, way of doing it. Some florists make it look simple yet stunning other times awkward and still stunning and then sometimes it looks rushedRead more
Element of Design – Shape
Shape and form both relate to the overall floral design, individual flowers, plant material, containers and anything else in the design. Shape is the two-dimensional element: a sketch of a posy is round. Form is the three-dimensional element: an actual posy is a dome or ball.
Element of Design – Texture
Texture relates to qualities of the surface of an object. Texture can be visual or tactile: some objects can appear to have one texture and actually have another to touch. Like colour, texture evokes strong emotional responses. Small children are drawn to touch textures, adults are more often drawn to look at textures, butRead more
Mothers Day around the globe
Last year we only touched on the origins, traditions and practices associated with Mother’s Day as part of our ode to the many meanings associated with chrysanthemums around the globe. The gift of cut or potted chrysanthemums can symbolise grief, bereavement, joy, general affection, an attempt to assist in healing sinus problems, love, a wishRead more