

Oct 29

How to supercharge your Peace lily’s cleaning powerYvette

Peace lily Bloom College

    In a previous blog we wrote about the amazing ability of some flowers and indoor plants to remove toxins from the air. We promised a follow up about the whole topic. Bill Wolverton, a leading researcher about using plants to improve air (and water) quality, has published a bestselling book called How toRead more

Oct 23

Detox your home, car and office with Peace liliesYvette

  Know that new carpet, new car, new furniture, newly sanded and polished floor smell? Sniffed or owned plywood, rubber, paint, varnish, adhesives or dry-cleaned clothes? Lashed out and purchased some wrinkle-free fabrics, or flame-retardant pillows, clothes or bedding? Ever been around cigarette smoke? If so, you’ve been getting nasty Volatile Organic Chemicals (VOCs) upRead more

Oct 07

Floriade tour continuedYvette

Bushmen and bullocks by the Murrumbidgee We decided to take our time on our road trip to Canberra for our recent Floriade 2013 visit. Much as we love the Hume Freeway for all it offers those who want to get where they’re going quickly, it regularly tempts one to divert and re-find the towns andRead more

Oct 04

Amongst the tulips at Floriade 2013Yvette

Floriade 2013 Bloom College

  The free city loop shuttle bus put on for the occasion of Canberra’s centenary meant that many happy Floriade 2013 visitors arrived at the gates energetic and refreshed enough to be able to amble around the expansive event without the need for a good lie down or the ingestion of performance enhancing substances. WeRead more

Sep 29

Wonderful WaratahsYvette

  Wonderful, spectacular, unique Waratahs are now in flower and putting it out there for your enjoyment in the bush, gardens and through suppliers of cut flowers. Waratahs belong to the Telopea genus of the Proteaceae family, so they’re related to Banksias, Leucospermums and Leucadendrons. There are only four species of Waratah. They originally comeRead more

Sep 26

Stressed out? Build in some flowers….Yvette

  We know it might appear that some of us here at Bloom College HQ have little to do but trawl cyberspace for weird, wonderful and inspiring facts and features about flowers, design, innovation and all things related to sustainability, but it’s not true. We also have to eat, drink, be merry, create pieces ofRead more

Sep 23

Ikebana: what’s old is newYvette

  Over the past few years many of our favourite florists and floral artists have been incorporating more found objects, repurposed and reused items and varieties of natural objects into their designs. Whether their primary motivation is due to a commitment to sustainability or good design (or both), we could argue that Ikebana (long distinguishedRead more

Sep 19

Edible flowers for kidsYvette

  Inhabitat.com is a weblog which focusses on innovation for sustainability in architecture and home design. Inhabitots.com is its baby and parenting supplement website, set up by Inhabitat.com co-founder Jill Fehrenbacher. It’s a resource for parents, care givers and others interested in sustainable, healthy modern design for children. Check out this recent blog: Grow HeirloomRead more

Sep 17


Retrash is a soft cover book, which showcases the work of over 80 artists who are reusing waste in creative and innovative ways. The 3-year collaborative project is complete but the creators need to raise funds for printing and distributing it. They’re launching Retrash on kickstarter.com in November 2013. You can help spread word byRead more

Sep 16

To preserve or not to preserveYvette

flower stems bloom college hydrangea, orchid, hyacinth, david austin rose, water lily, english box, water bamboo, green trick carnation

  At Bloom College flower school we’re all about helping people have fun whilst learning about the art and craft of flower arranging. Design and technique, though, are of little use if the beautiful flowers you’re arranging wilt and die before your very eyes. Professional florists often sell or give customers a little sachet ofRead more

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