Tag Archives: mindfulness cultivation

tulips in a vase

The benefits of meditation: blooming a sense of peace through flower arranging

In the chaos of our fast-paced lives, finding those moments of peace and calm is essential for our health and well-being. Meditation offers a powerful path to find that connection to our inner selves and create a sense of tranquillity amidst whatever else is going on in our lives. But meditation doesn’t have to look like sitting in one place and attempting to clear your mind with deep breathing––this doesn’t work for many people. In this blog, we will touch on the ways that a meditative practice such as flower arranging can help you achieve that calm and peaceful state of mind, using flowers as a medium.

Rose in full bloom

Inner peace and clarity


The act of meditation allows us to quiet our busy minds and find a place of stillness within. When you focus your attention on your breath or a point of focus, you’ll find that you gradually let go of your racing thoughts and worries, almost without realising. Flower arranging, with its gentle and mindful nature, is a conduit for this process. By focusing on the flowers and materials in your hands and embracing the positive energy the flowers emit, you’ll find your mind becoming clearer and more peaceful.


Reduces stress


It’s no secret that meditation is able to alleviate stress. Regular meditation has been proven to lower cortisol levels, the hormone associated with stress. A reduction in this hormone can also reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. Flower arranging, as part of a regular meditative practice, is able to engage our senses and help us relax, lowering our cortisol levels and allowing us to feel happier overall.


Cultivates mindfulness

meditate with flowers

The core of every meditation practice is mindfulness, which centres around paying attention to the present moment. Flower arranging goes hand in hand with mindfulness. As you work with the flowers, you’re observing the colours, the shapes, the textures and thinking only of what is in your hands in this moment. While you do this, you become more fully present, allowing you to better connect with the world around you. The rhythmic movements of arranging can also act as a form of moving meditation, which will anchor you to the present moment.


Nurtures creativity


Meditation allows us to open up channels of creativity and tap into our artistic abilities, which is ideal when you’re doing something creative––like flower arranging––at the same time. The act of connecting to yourself while creating allows you to delve into your unique style and create something really special. Whether you’re arranging with full freedom to create whatever you’d like, or you’re arranging for a client, the process of arranging will inspire your imagination along the way.


A deeper sense of gratitude

rose stem

It is through meditation that we develop a deeper sense of gratitude for the present moment and connect more deeply with ourselves and others. Flower arranging magnifies this experience as we focus on appreciating the beauty and intricacy of each blossom, offering gratitude to nature for its gifts. Arranging flowers can also be a perfect way to show gratitude for the people in your life that you care about, brightening their day with a fresh bouquet. 


As we navigate the busyness and stress of life, it’s so important to be carving out these moments of inner reflection and self-care. Meditation on its own provides a unique pathway to inner peace, while flower arranging offers a beautiful medium to deepen this practice. When we embrace the stillness, beauty and mindfulness that flower arranging can offer, we open ourselves to a world of self-discovery. 


Interested in furthering your own meditative practice but unsure where to start? Yvette’s book, Feed Your Soul With Flowers, focuses on the concept of flower therapy i.e. using flowers to work on your inner self. You can grab a copy here.