Taking Client Orders – What You Need To Know

Whether you are working as florist within a business, or have your own business, taking client orders will be part of your usual day. These orders will be quite specific in their requirements, so it’s important that you record all of the details accurately – and that you ask all the right questions.
It may even be worth setting up a ‘Client Order Form’ that you can print out and complete when taking an order so that you make sure you have all the details you need before you start.
What details do you need?
- Customer name, address & phone number: Read these back to the customer to ensure there are no mistakes. Also check the spelling of all names, including street names.
- Type of flowers & colours: Discuss the flower requests and associated costs with the client. It’s also a good idea to find out details of the event or reason for the flowers, plus ideas on the type of look they require. If required, suggest other options and offer advice on what would be best for their particular needs.
- Date & time order was taken: As well as the name of the person who took the order. This is in case there are any questions prior to the delivery of the flowers.
- Day, date & time flowers are required: Check this against the calendar to make sure the day and date match.
- Delivery (or pick up) details: When are the flowers being collected? Or, if they are being delivered you need the delivery address, contact name and number in case of any questions at the time of the delivery. If the flowers are for a funeral you’ll need to also know what time the service begins. If the delivery is to a home address, check for an alternative if no one is home at the time of delivery.
- Credit card details: If they are calling to place the order and don’t wish to hold, you’ll need the card number, expiry date, type of card, full name on card, and 3 digit CSV number (on the back of the card). Make sure this payment goes through before the order is confirmed. Also check if the customer would like a receipt sent to them.
- Card message: It’s important that the card message is accurate, contains the correct spelling, and is legible. Remember the contents of the message may be private and personal, so discretion and professionalism must be exercised.
Finally, to complete each order, repeat all details back to the client, and thank them for their time and patience with you. You can also offer them the opportunity to ask any questions they might have.
By ensuring that you have all of the details above at the time of taking the customer order, there will be less chance of you making an error, or forgetting crucial information. The result of this will be happier customers, and hopefully a recommendation to others, and repeat business.
Are you looking for a Career Change? The Bloom College Floristry Career Change Course will give you all of the fundamental skills and knowledge that you need to get you started in your new career in floristry. Further details, plus information on our other Flower Courses and Workshops in Geelong and Melbourne can be found on our Courses Page.