
Spring is the only time of the year we get to see Waratah, which is second to why they are so special to me. First is their immense beauty. Early in the season, we see them available in Red and soon we will have the choice of stunning pinks and creamy whites.
Although Waratah are in the Proteaceae family, they are native Australia with some varieties growing in Southern NSW, Victoria, and Tasmania. Many Proteaceace varieties are native to South Africa and some native to Australia such as Grevillia, Banksia, Hakea & Macadamia . Whilst the ever popular Protea varieties including the King Protea varieties are native to South Africa yet do grow extremely well here.
The botanical name is Telopea Speciosissima. Thankfully we use their indigenous name ‘Waratah’
Telopea is derived from the Greek ‘telopos‘, meaning ‘seen from afar’, and refers to the distance from which the crimson flowers are visible. The name speciosissima is the superlative of the Latin adjective ‘speciosus‘, meaning ‘beautiful’.
Understandably the artists amongst the Early European settlers fell in love with the Waratah and it was heavily used in artworks.
Enjoy Waratah in your home while they last,