Tag Archives: floristry schools

Bloom Online

We had a question recently about completing the Career Change Course online.

The Career Change Course is a fully immersive, hands on, classroom focussed course. So it is not currently available as an online option. However, we do have many specially curated online courses for those who can not make it into the classroom, or live outside of Melbourne.⁣

The Art Of Floristry contains the most comprehensive and comparatively similar video instructed arrangements to the Career Change Course. You will learn all the basics such as vase arrangements, table designs & bouquets as well as more advanced wedding floristry asymmetric and organic designs. We encourage students completing courses online, who are looking to work as a florist to also check out our online business courses. Our Getting Started course is an excellent introduction to this learning style and is a bargain at only $22! It will give you a taste of what you can then go onto learn as part of our 3 Week MINI Course.⁣

We also have smaller online floristry courses such as Bloom Basics & Flower Fundamentals to give you a taste of online learning!!⁣

If you have any questions about any of these courses, don’t hesitate to contact us via email at enquiries@bloomcollege.com.au 💚

The Lotus Flower

The Lotus flower has a deep connection with many religions, including Buddhism, Hinduism, Egyptology & Bahai.⁣

In Buddhism, they represent purity of mind, speech & body. The Lotus grows in muddy water and blossoms at the top, still attached to it’s long stem in the mud below.⁣

Lotus look so gorgeous on their own in a simple bowl/vase on your desk or bedside, and are a great reminder to be present and breathe.



It was an absolute delight having Andrea in our Career Change classroom in 2018. Andrea had already started her floristry business before coming to Bloom and since graduation Andrea has been moving forward in her floristry career in leaps & bounds! We are so thankful for her giving up her time to tell us about her floristry journey…..and her pooch Prince!

What did you do before studying floristry?

Before studying floristry I travelled quite a lot and lived overseas. Prior to that I completed a Diploma in Interior Design at RMIT, I always knew I wanted to do something on the creative side career wise.

Tell us a bit about you, where did you grow up, where do you live now, what are your favourite things?

I grew up in the Eastern Suburbs of Melbourne in Blackburn for most of my childhood, we then moved overseas to South Korea for 3 years (yes I know crazy right!?). By 10 years old we came back and settled in Croydon North, our family home where I still live. I will be moving to Croydon Hills with my beautiful partner very soon! So excited as I’ve wanted to live in Croydon Hills ever since I can remember. I love this area, green everywhere you turn and so many cute cafes. I have so many favourite things! Don’t we all!? But to name a few… my dog Prince, he brightens every single day, he’s a gorgeous border collie we like to go for walks in the reserve behind our house where I can admire all the greenery and nature while he can prance around! I love the beach it heals me and is my happy place and gives me clarity, as well as the Warrandyte river. Outdoors is a big yes for me! Ahhhh I could go on and on, just going to a cafe for breaky with my partner, mum and brother is gold, spending time with the fam, travelling and of course creating. Floristry is my therapy, my creative getaway and other happy place. And lastly, chocolate chocolate & more chocolate.

What inspired you to make the change to floristry?

I have been saying for quite a few years that I really wanted to complete a floristry course, years!!! It was just about finding the right time and letting everything fall into place, which it did! I worked at a cute local florist around my area for a few years while completing my Interior Design course but thought nothing of it in terms of my future in floristry until I started to travel, see things, the beauty of nature and stepping into every florist shop front I came across. All my experiences have lead me to this floristry path.

Why did you choose Bloom College?

I chose Bloom College because it seemed like the perfect fit. I would go to the Melbourne Flower Show year after year and would see the Bloom College stand every time and loved the work they did and kept looking into it the courses they provided online. I saw that they offered a 6 month course which I thought was great, not too short and not too long! Their course structure appealed to me as well as their style and the hands on part of it too. So, I had to do it! I had enough of umming and aahhhing, it’s the best choice I ever made! Woohoo!

What do you want working with flowers to give you that your previous career/s did not?

Happiness, therapy, satisfaction & a challenge. The four best and most important things for me.

Do you want to have your own floristry business? If so what will you specialise in?

I currently have my own business, I started it in March 2018 right before I started the course. I already had some experience and thought it would be great to progress along the the way while studying with Bloom College. I don’t specialise in anything particular at the moment I’m giving everything a go to see what I love the most. At the moment though I am loving weddings/events, installs and workshops!

What is your vision for the future of your business and or the industry?

I would absolutely love to have my own studio and shopfront that is my absolute dream and major goal!

Who inspires you?

All creatives inspire me, I will spend about 30 minutes each day on social media admiring the work of florists, artists and all creatives really!

What is your preferred design style?

Organic & flowy.

Find Andrea online here, here & here!


Blooms of the Month – December 2018


Nothing quite says Christmas like a poinsettia plant! Native to Mexico, they have clusters of modified leaves that are usually a bright red but also come in creamy whites, peachy tones and pinks and are often mistaken for petals.

Poinsettia’s are perfect for decorating your front door step or the inside of your home around Christmas time, my favourite spot is under the Christmas tree.

They like indirect light for at least 6 hours during the day, and hate to be cold. Only water when soil is dry and avoid getting water on the leaves.


A beautiful little bush or shrub that is close to our hearts here at Bloom College! Holly comes is a wide variety of species but is best known for the small red berries it produces.

When you think of Holly you may initially think of English Holly, with it’s dark green, spiked leaves but Australia has it’s own variety as well.

This variety has softer leaves but still has the beautiful red berries – perfect for using in your Christmas themed arrangements this year.


Perfectly timed to flower at the end of Spring and all the way through December, Hippeastrums are absolutely stunning. Available in red and white, and numerous patterns in between, these lilies look stunning in a Christmas themed arrangement or just on their own for any occasion!

Grab some while they’re blooming!

my blooms bedside



Spring is the only time of the year we get to see Waratah, which is second to why they are so special to me. First is their immense beauty. Early in the season, we see them available in Red and soon we will have the choice of stunning pinks and creamy whites. 

Although Waratah are in the Proteaceae family, they are native Australia with some varieties growing in Southern NSW, Victoria, and Tasmania. Many Proteaceace varieties are native to South Africa and some native to Australia such as Grevillia, Banksia, Hakea & Macadamia . Whilst the ever popular Protea varieties including the King Protea varieties are native to South Africa yet do grow extremely well here. 

The botanical name is Telopea Speciosissima. Thankfully we use their indigenous name ‘Waratah’ 

MYBlooms spring

Telopea is derived from the Greek ‘telopos‘, meaning ‘seen from afar’, and refers to the distance from which the crimson flowers are visible. The name speciosissima is the superlative of the Latin adjective ‘speciosus‘, meaning ‘beautiful’.

Understandably the artists amongst the Early European settlers fell in love with the Waratah and it was heavily used in artworks. 

Enjoy Waratah in your home while they last,


Yvette on FOX NEWS LIVE Marketing Matters panel.

Episode 12 – Marketing Matters

Business is unpredictable these days, and sometimes you need a change of direction. The average person will change careers 6 times in their life, so this week’s episode discusses when and how to change directions. We delve into how to effectively market while in unfamiliar circumstances and the appropriate steps to ensure your businesses success.

Watch Now.

The Singapore Flowershow

Singapore Flower Show Tour

Bloom is going on tour! This July, the teachers from Bloom will be hosting a tour to Singapore for the Singapore Garden Festival!

We will be staying in this fabulous city for 5 nights and activities will include other Singaporean highlights such as the Gardens by the Bay, a perfumery workshop and a trip outside of the city to the amazing culinary farm, Bollywood Veggies.

There will be plenty of down time for shopping and sipping cocktails at the Marina Bay Sands, or relaxing by the hotel pool!

If you are a flower and garden lover (and want to escape the cold of July), we would love you to join us on this special trip.

Prices start from $3995 for twin share accommodation. Email us at info@bloomcollege.com.au if you would like more information on this fabulous floral exploration!


17 key Questions to ask when choosing a floristry school

1. Are the teachers qualified Florists and qualified teachers/facilitators?
2. Can I take my flowers and materials home?
3. Will I get a full range of seasonal high quality flowers to learn with?
4. Is there a limit on class sizes or are classes allowed to be overfilled?
5. Are step by step guides and text books available?
6. Is online content available?
7. Are all learners types accommodated? Audio,Visual, Kinaesthetic
8. Is their a peer group or community set up to support my learning?
9. Do I have direct access to support by the teachers outside of class time?
10. Are class times flexible? Weekday, weekends & evenings
11. Are the classrooms well set up, maintained and follow good OH&S practices?
12. Is the course well recognised by industry?
13. What is the outcome for students?
14. Is work experience/ internships available and organised by the school?
15. Do the teachers stay up to date and continue to develop their skills in teaching and floristry?
16. Is the course content flexible and up to date? i.e.: will the school add content quickly as it becomes relevant to the industry?
17. Will I be supported by the school even once the course ends?

Get a YES to all 17 and you have found the right Flower school

Florist Denise Porcaro

Flower Girl NYC – Denise Porcaro

On my recent trip to the US, I stopped by Flower Girl NYC in New York. Owner and renowned florist Denise Porcaro and I broadcast live online from her shop to share insights into the Floristry industry and to create their signature arrangement, Flower Girl. You can watch the recording below.

And here’s a few of my favourite photos from my time there.

Florist Denise Porcaro Bloom CollegePink flowersflower posiesFlorist courses NYCIndoor plants