Family and friends fridays – Zeally and Cliff

New look Friday Bloom Blurbs and Back to the 70s
Since the start of 2013, we’ve found out lots about our friends and fans. We know you’re interested in lots of the same things we’re interested in and we want you to be able to easily connect via social media with us, each other and wider circles of like-minded and ‘like-empassioned’ people on topics and about issues that you’re into. So from now on our ‘Bloom Blurbs’ blogs will have daily themes.
Family and Friends Fridays will allow us to wind down from the week and gear up for a weekend with news and gossip from Bloom’s friends. We’ll cover events, shows, displays, inspirations and news, and profile businesses and organisations. And for those wanting a quietly creative weekend of communing with flowers and gardens, we’ll feature flower families and provide tips on gardening and using seasonal flowers.
Other days’ themes are:
- Methodical Mondays
- Trending Tuesdays
- Wide-ranging Wednesdays
- Thoughtful Thursdays
Further details about each day are in this week’s blogs.
Some blogs won’t fit neatly into one day’s theme and at other times our tendency to be totally random will overcome us. And we’re not likely to be posting every day, but at least we’ll cover all the themes over a month or so. Of course, your comments and input can be as random as you want!
And now, just to get those Family and Friends Fridays rolling, here’s a question that you might have thought you’d never hear. What do macramé, terrariums, crochet and basket weaving have in common? Answer: they’re baaaack!
Not only are these crafty indulgences of the 70s being pursued by those Baby Boomer women (now ‘of a certain age’) who perhaps reluctantly lived through their 70s incarnations, but they’re also being embraced by members of generations designated by Xs, Ys and Zs. All are wising up to the benefits of a lifestyle that embraces the notions of DIY, upcycling, recycling and ‘slow living’.
It all puts us in a mind to remember those 70s birthday parties. The food: Aunt Tessie’s pavlova, home-made party pies and sausage rolls, mum’s new ‘easy’ no-bake cheese cake sensation, punch that was labelled as alcoholic or not; and guests who were invited in person or by a quaint thing called mail. Everything and everyone was engulfed in cigarette smoke.
Then there were the gifts: potted (not pot for this writer) plants, macramé hangings and books about how whales communicate with each other. Those were the days.
Now all the good bits are back and you can get into them in downtown Torquay, on Victoria’s Surf Coast. Zeally and Cliff studio is a welcoming, sunlit place where you can listen to music and learn all manner of crafty skills. You can even hire the kitchen for a function and have your party pies and pavs and eat them too! The Bloom College team is providing a Terrarium workshop on August 24 and we’re keen to dabble in other offerings including the macramé and cheese making workshops.
Even better still, if you go at the right time of year, you can see whales for yourself; like macramé, terrariums, crochet and basket weaving, they’re back!