Tag Archives: new career

How to use the element of line when constructing a fresh flower wreath
Yvette shares with you a quick tip straight from the classroom on how to use the element of line when constructing a fresh flower wreath.

Learn about how & why Bloom got started
Bloom College was created in September 2012 and launched in March 2013. The school has been through a number of changes since but one thing has stayed the course, the mission and intention remains the same. In this interview from 2017, Yvette is asked to share her purpose for founding Bloom College.
Watch the Interview Here

Graduate Profile – Judith Harvey
I completed the Bloom College career change course in 2019 in Alyssa’s Collingwood studio after enrolling in Yvette’s Flower Basics course earlier that year.
After graduating, I placed an ad on Gumtree seeking work as a florist assistant and from this I was contacted by a business based in Brisbane that specialises in pop up creative workshops. They asked me to run some flower crown workshops that they had bookings for in Melbourne for hen’s functions. This was a lovely gentle way to begin working with flowers and people. It was a delight to be part of such a happy and receptive groups of women, and whilst working on their crowns, they often spoke quite candidly about life in general.
With the onset of COVID, online flower orders took off and that opened my next door. I began working for LVLY, making jar posies by the bucket load to keep up with the overnight demand. Whilst not working directly with my customers, I worked with small teams of florists and learnt so much from each of them, as their backgounds were so varied.
As restrictions eased, so did the online demand, but now I had some resume experience which I took to a lovely florist business in my local area (Mornington Peninsula) called Tully’s. They hired me and I can honestly say I have the best job I could ever wish for. I work with beautiful product, in a lovely setting as part of a small team. We share the week between us.
Apart from being able to make beautiful things each day, the hidden aspect of floristry has revealed itself – people share their stories with you when they buy flowers, and you can be part of the joy or give support and presence when the situation is not a happy one. You know if you have done well by the look in the customer’s eye.
As well as all of this, I am often called on for random everyday flower deliveries for friends and their contacts, which is an additional element.
One of the best aspects of being a florist is being able to walk around with the inner tools to look at flowers and foliage and create something of beauty wherever you happen to be, and the constant learning and development that comes from being part of an evolving industry.
Training at Bloom would have to be one of the best things I have ever chosen to do in my life.
Best regards,
Judith Harvey
Please follow Judith’s journey via Instagram:

Things to do in a lockdown – COVID-19
Yesterday I visited my local market as I do most weeks, it’s usually one of my favourite things to do. However yesterday was different, as I stood in the crowd of people, some weary masks, I felt a sudden surge of panic. Having experienced many panic attacks before I knew the signs all too well, heart racing, sweaty clammy palms, dizzy blurry eyesight. So I got myself out of there pretty quickly and did my best to return to a sense of calm. I felt silly for feeling that way and woke this morning wondering what I can do to prevent the anxiety and overwhelm from recurring. Over the past 10 or more years I’ve been gradually learning and adopting new habits to improve my mental health and embed tools to keep anxiety & depression in the past. Over the last week I had stopped applying many of those healthy habits and indulged in an over consumption of news. Sure I wanted to keep myself informed and not be naive nor ignorant but I’m self aware enough to know my limit before I become over sensitive to it all. Once I’m in that state I’m of little to no use to myself or others. No amount of my staying informed will cure the worlds woes but I believe if we collectively stay well mentally & emotionally well we can see a major shift. I expect what I’m experiencing is something many people are, in particular creative types. A good imagination when used for positive thoughts is wonderful, yet with that comes a flip side when left unchecked. Remember your soul is what to tap into and listen to not the mind! The sense of uncertainty is one of the major contributors to anxiety and although removing any impulse to control the future is the most ideal antidote, it’s often unrealistic for many of us. Particularly if you love to plan & look forward to the future as I do.
Looking at what you can control and plan is helpful to me and keeps me on track. For anyone else feeling this way you might find it helpful to read my list of things to do if you are quarantined or should we have a lockdown.
So here’s the list;
- Read books
- Have a bath
- Sit in the garden
- Tend to the garden
- Meditate
- Talk to family & friends (deeply)
- Write – books, blogs & journaling
- Watch comedy, romance, adventure movies and tv shows
- Yoga classes on FMTV
- Dance & sing
- Play in the cubby & trampoline (yes I know I’m an adult)
- Clean & sort all cupboards & garage (Marie Kondo style)
- Arrange flowers from garden
- Film tutorials
- Sort photos into albums (digitally)
- Take more photos
- Make playlists
- Make rose water
- Make flower essences
- Cook
- Cuddle the dogs & family
- Create Pinterest boards
- Watch YouTube
- Create YouTube videos
- Create new vision boards
- Study online courses
- Exercise
- Remember to take supplements
- Connect with people via social media
- And so so much more
Upon reflection of my list I’m going to ensure doing more of these daily regardless of a lockdown or not!
Actually it would need to be a very long lockdown to do it all 😂
Stay well, safe and connected.
With gratitude,
Yvette x

Flowers and well being
Smelling floral scents puts us in a good mood and makes us feel less anxious. I love sweet pea for this reason!
When choosing the colour scheme for your flowers, colours that are close to each on the colour wheel promote calmness. Colours on opposing sides of the colour wheel energise us!
What flowers do you have around you today? I’ve got some coral coloured carnations!
Join us at Bloom College for one of our workshops to learn more about colour theory, the power of flowers and how they contribute to our well being.

Bloom Graduate: Effie Burns
We are absolutely blown away by Bloom Career Change Course graduate Effie from @atelierfleurau for all the hard work she has put into her fabulous St Kilda storefront and her stunning floral designs!
Congratulations Effie on your graduation! Your talent and drive is going to take you far!
Read more about Effie’s journey from lawyer to florist over on her website here!

Bloom Graduate: Kirsten Moore
Absolutely stunning creation and beautiful photo by Bloom College Career Change Graduate Kirsten Moore of @mountjoycottage⠀
The last Career change Course for 2019 starts July 30 and there is still time to enroll if a career in floristry is your dream.⠀
Download the brochure through the link below and get in touch to find out how the Career Change Course can change your life!⠀

2019 Career Change Graduates – 2 Day CLASS
We couldn’t be more happy & proud of our 2 Day Career Change Course students coming to the end of their course!⠀
Thank you to the lovely Meah from @settle_petal_flowers for joining us on this journey to start a new & creatively fulfilling career! We can’t wait to see what you do next Meah!⠀
Click below to learn more about this life changing course.

Allium Giganteum
Spectacular photo of Allium giganteum, commonly called giant onion by @men0625⠀ ⠀
Happy Monday! May your dreams be as big as these alliums!
Join us for our upcoming workshops! Click the link below to see what’s coming up!