Tag Archives: learn to be a florist

Bloom Graduate: Effie Burns

We are absolutely blown away by Bloom Career Change Course graduate Effie from @atelierfleurau for all the hard work she has put into her fabulous St Kilda storefront and her stunning floral designs!

Congratulations Effie on your graduation! Your talent and drive is going to take you far!

Read more about Effie’s journey from lawyer to florist over on her website here!

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Bloom Graduate: Kirsten Moore

Absolutely stunning creation and beautiful photo by Bloom College Career Change Graduate Kirsten Moore of @mountjoycottage

The last Career change Course for 2019 starts July 30 and there is still time to enroll if a career in floristry is your dream.⠀

Download the brochure through the link below and get in touch to find out how the Career Change Course can change your life!⠀

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2019 Career Change Graduates – 2 Day CLASS

We couldn’t be more happy & proud of our 2 Day Career Change Course students coming to the end of their course!⠀

Thank you to the lovely Meah from @settle_petal_flowers for joining us on this journey to start a new & creatively fulfilling career! We can’t wait to see what you do next Meah!⠀

Click below to learn more about this life changing course.

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I’m absolutely crazy for these “wildflower” bouquets! Perfect for a country style or relaxed wedding vibe.⠀ ⠀

It’s so interesting to see Baby’s Breath (Gypsophila or Gyp) come back into fashion but I am loving the use of Chamomile as well! Not only does it make a tasty bed time tea but the flowers are super cute and have a long vase life.⠀


Allium Giganteum

Spectacular photo of Allium giganteum, commonly called giant onion by @men0625⠀ ⠀

Happy Monday! May your dreams be as big as these alliums!

Join us for our upcoming workshops! Click the link below to see what’s coming up!


Wedding Flowers Intensive Workshop

These stunning macro shots of the flowers used in a previous Wedding Flowers Intensive workshop were taken by @sarataylorphotos

For each Wedding Intensive workshop we run, we have a professional photographer document the experience and the photos can be used to promote yourself and your business or can just be a lovely souvenir to remember the experience by.

If you are interested in participating in the next workshop, click the link below to find out more!

Beyond The Basics Floristry course

The stunning contrast of sturdy natives against the pure white of the anemone is simply stunning!⠀

Learn how to make a large bouquet like the one here in our Beyond the Basics class starting July 23 in Collingwood.⠀

Register now through the link in our bio and take your floral design to a new creative level.⠀

Career Change Course: Commonly Asked Questions

One of the most commonly asked questions about our Career Change Course is, how do I start working once I’ve finished?⠀

This is of course, dependent on what kind of florist you would like to be, but as part of this course, we will help you find an internship to suit your needs. Whether that be retail floristry, event floristry or even working as a freelancer.⠀

We teach you how to market and brand your business & yourself in order to start gaining clients as soon as you are ready.⠀

We also have a network of previous graduates who often work with each other on large scale projects, and some businesses and freelance florists will come to us looking for staff, which we then pass on to our graduates via the private graduates Facebook page.⠀

The Career Change Course is hands on and here at Bloom College we want our students to have the best experience possible, to feel confident to start working straight away.⠀

For more info and to download a brochure for this life changing course, click the link below!⠀


Snowdrop or Galanthus, means ‘milk flower.’ Snowdrops, not to be confused with the similar bloom, Snowflakes, are a perfect flowering bulb for cooler climates.

Snowdrops are a shorter stemmed blooms with 3 outer petals that are pure white and 3 smaller inner petals are white with green tips. Double-flowered forms are also available.

Don’t let their dainty appearance fool you, Snowdrops are a hardy plant, however they do require lots of moisture. A sun dappled position, often under another shrub or bush, with very moist soil is the perfect spot for these gorgeous winter flowers.

Snowdrops make excellent cut flowers as the warmth of bringing them indoors can intensify their honey like scent, and you can admire their beauty up close!

Learning about botanicals is a part of every course and workshop at Bloom College. Click the link below to find the course that’s right for you!


Houseplants look good and help us feel good

Check out this fabulous blog post from  Breck’s blog about the power of plants in your home.

The 1970s was a time for fads: pet rocks, leisure suits, mood rings, CB radios—the list goes on and on. Houseplants also became an obsession during the decade, tenaciously grabbing a foothold in U.S. homes and offices like the tendrils of an ivy plant clinging to a brick wall.

Americans went crazy for houseplants—and not only because of their ornamental beauty and the splashes of colour they provided on stark, grey winter days. It was also a time when people were becoming more environmentally aware. Earth Day, celebrated on April 22, was first observed in 1970. Many baby boomers who came of age as flower children in the ‘60s started caring for spider plants, ferns, philodendrons and other houseplants that were popular in the ‘70s.

Houseplants offer many environmental and health benefits. They expel oxygen. They add humidity to the air during drier periods. They purify the air by absorbing volatile organic compounds, such as the benzene in cigarette smoke, and other indoor air pollutants. An eight-year Harvard study released in 2016 found that American women living in homes surrounded by vegetation had a 12% lower mortality rate than those living in the least green areas.

While the ‘70s heyday of houseplants eventually waned, they are now enjoying a resurgence in popularity, particularly among millennials. The New York Times reported last year that they account for an estimated one-third of houseplant sales in the U.S.

One reason for this is their lack of living space. Many millennials—the same demographic that is putting off marriage and having children—are also waiting longer to buy houses. They are, instead, living longer in small, urban apartments with no outdoor gardening areas.

There is also the line of thought that unmarried, childless millennials are filling a void in their lives by looking after plants. Modern houseplants not only require less attention than spouses or offspring, many are easier to maintain than some houseplant varieties that were omnipresent during the golden age of disco.


Don’t forget to join us for our Potted Plants Workshop on June 19, and learn how to pot and re-pot your house plants as well as maintain and care for them. All tools, plants and accessories included. Find out more and how to book your spot here: https://bit.ly/2VUjXcy