Tag Archives: wedding floristry

Wedding Flowers Intensive Workshop

These stunning macro shots of the flowers used in a previous Wedding Flowers Intensive workshop were taken by @sarataylorphotos

For each Wedding Intensive workshop we run, we have a professional photographer document the experience and the photos can be used to promote yourself and your business or can just be a lovely souvenir to remember the experience by.

If you are interested in participating in the next workshop, click the link below to find out more!

Monstera Variegata

STUNNING Monstera Variegata from @foreverplanty Thank you for the Friday inspiration and beautiful pic!⁣ ⁣

After doing a little research on these lovely plants, this kind of variegated monstera is called ‘Albo-Variegata,’ which has white paint-like splotches on the leaves, or the leaf is half white or sometimes wholly white.⁣ ⁣

I don’t own one of these beauties but I do have a Silver Pothos which is another kind of variegated plant; it’s also stunning to look at and very easy to grow.⁣